If you are determined to take your company to great heights, then here is a tool for you - “Press Release”. This gives a big push to an effective Lead Generation and to grab the attention of your potential customers.
News is always hotly sought after by reporters, editors, and producers. If your press release could impress and inspire a journalist to publish your story in the media, then there you go with all the glory of a successful press release writer and incredible media publicity for your company. Here are few simple tips for you to write an effective press release:
Step 1: Choose Crisp Headlines
Choose an eye-catching, attention-grabbing, short, and crispy statement as your headline. Your headline is the bait to attract the reader. Short, active, descriptive headlines kindle the reader’s interest to read through your press release.
Step 2: Place the Most Important Information at the Beginning
The first two paragraphs should bring out your intent in writing this press release. Any reader would read at least two paragraphs to decide if the subject matter interests them. So put your best at display in the first two paragraphs. And always remember to answer the "5 W's and the H" –o, What, When, Where, Why and How.
Step 3: Provide Accurate Contact Information
You should always remember to give complete contact information in case the reader wishes to get in touch personally. The press release should be on your letterhead with complete details about your company.
Step 4: Provide only Facts and Accurate News
A press release is never meant to advertise any product or service. Write the press release with the intent to give correct and accurate information to the reader. Make it interesting but only stick to facts. The intention of sales can be easily smelt by the reader. Do not make any over-inflated statements; simply provide useful information.
Step 5: Make your Press Release Interesting
Your writing should inspire the reader and make him to think in your lines. The angle in which you present the subject matter is very important. Make it relevant to readers of all backgrounds. Fit your press release into the current scenario by writing with the current social issues and events in mind. Be specific and at the same time provide a detailed account of your purpose in writing this press release.
Step 6: Choose the Right Language
Write in the language of the reader as technical terms may not interest the reader. The content that you write might look simple to you but alien to the reader. So introduce concepts in simple English and avoid technical jargon. Slang and bad grammar put the credibility of the content of the press release into question. Extra fluff words carry the reader away from the true meaning of your press release. In case you are going to quote somebody or from a book, make sure you obtain the necessary permissions.
Step 7: Read, Re-read and Review
Read your press release several times and check for a smooth flow of thoughts. Ask a friend to read the press release, discuss and then make appropriate changes. Avoid spelling errors and grammatical mistakes.
Step 8: Make the Press Release Short
Lengthy content does not normally interest the reader. So express your thoughts in a page or two.
Follow these steps and take your business to great heights in Lead Generation.
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